Minggu, 23 Mei 2021

Perubahan pada Persyaratan Layanan YouTube


Anda menerima email ini karena kami memperbarui Persyaratan Layanan YouTube ("Persyaratan") untuk memperjelas persyaratan kami dan memberikan transparansi kepada pengguna kami. Persyaratan ini juga telah diperbarui untuk pengguna di Amerika Serikat pada November 2020. Perubahan ini tidak akan mengubah akses atau penggunaan layanan YouTube oleh Anda secara signifikan.


Ringkasan perubahan:

  • Pembatasan pengenalan wajah: Persyaratan Layanan telah menyatakan bahwa Anda tidak boleh mengumpulkan informasi apa pun yang dapat mengidentifikasi seseorang tanpa izin darinya. Meskipun persyaratan ini sudah mencakup informasi terkait pengenalan wajah, Persyaratan yang baru menyebutkannya secara eksplisit.
  • Hak YouTube untuk memonetisasi: YouTube berhak memonetisasi semua konten yang ada di platformnya dan menayangkan iklan pada video dari channel yang tidak tergabung dalam Program Partner YouTube.
  • Pembayaran royalti dan pemotongan/pemungutan pajak: Untuk kreator yang berhak menerima pembayaran pendapatan, pembayaran tersebut akan diperlakukan sebagai royalti dari perspektif pajak Amerika Serikat dan Google akan memotong/memungut pajak apabila diwajibkan menurut hukum.

Pastikan Anda membaca perubahan Persyaratan ini dengan cermat. Persyaratan baru ini akan mulai berlaku pada 1 Juni 2021 bagi pengguna di luar Amerika Serikat. Dengan terus menggunakan YouTube setelah tanggal tersebut, berarti Anda menyetujui Persyaratan baru ini. Harap diperhatikan bahwa jika mengizinkan anak Anda untuk menggunakan YouTube Kids, maka Anda juga menyetujui Persyaratan baru ini atas nama anak Anda.


Jika Anda memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi Pusat Bantuan.



Kami mengirim pengumuman layanan email wajib ini untuk memberitahukan perubahan penting pada Persyaratan YouTube.

© 2021 Google LLC d/b/a YouTube, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

Kamis, 13 Mei 2021

What's new with Creator this May

Zoho Creator Zoho Creator
Hi there,
This month, we’re excited to present you with a bunch of interesting stories on digital transformation featuring leaders, industry experts, and our customers across the globe!
What's New
We've kickstarted a new video series titled "Women in Tech and Leadership," featuring our customers and partners from various industries. They share with us their experience in the business, what changes they'd like to bring to the industry, and some tips for tech-aspirants!
Watch the first episode here
Knowledge Hub
Discover how guerilla research can help you and your organization achieve the benefits of usability testing sans all the time and money a dedicated user research team requires.
Read more
Spotlight Story
Discover how Anand and Anand, one of India's oldest and largest multifaceted law firms, replaced their legacy systems with low-code, and implemented organization-wide citizen development drills to accelerate their operational efficiency.
Read more
Virtual Roundtable
Join our virtual roundtable session "Amplifying enterprise digital transformation" happening on May 20th, at 9AM PST.
Industry experts Jerry Rapp, CIO at Town Pump, and Jason Bloomberg, President at Intellyx, amongst others, will discuss the current market dynamics of low-code, how low-code helps process automation, and their best practices to help your digital transformation journey.
Register now
Decode Video Series
Muhammad Majid, senior ICT project manager, and Hadi Rezai, lead IT manager at Shine Auto Parts, share their views on low-code and how Zoho Creator helps run their auto-part sales business.
On average, Shine Auto purchases 20 to 40 cars daily, and at any given time there are 1,500+ cars and 8,500+ parts managed on Zoho Creator. To see the full story, click on the link below.
Watch here
Get to Know Low-Code
Are you someone who still uses spreadsheets to manage your business? Do you think the latest technologies are complicated to use? Is finding a solution that's customizable, cost-effective, and scalable challenging? Don't worry.
We've got you covered. Zoho Creator is a low-code platform that lets you build secure and efficient tailor-made applications 10x faster than legacy systems.
Check out this video to learn more
Digitally yours,
Team Zoho Creator
Connect with us
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Contact: hello@zohocreator.com

Kamis, 06 Mei 2021

(Virtual Roundtable) | Amplifying enterprise digital transformation with low-code

Greetings from Zoho Creator!
Zoho Creator
Hi there,
With changing market dynamics, it's been a very unpredictable year for most industries. Businesses are looking to remain digitally agile and up to date with the rapid changes in the market and technology. For companies seeking to become more agile and accelerate their strategy execution, a low-code platform can be an effective way to speed up application delivery. In our session, "Amplifying enterprise digital transformation with low-code" our industry experts and leaders will talk about the fundamental capabilities of a low-code platform, how they enable transparency and boost efficiency, the challenges involved with the process, and the things you need to focus on in the short and long run to ensure an effective transformation. Our panelists are:
  • Jason Bloomberg, President, Intellyx
  • Jerry Rapp, CIO, Town Pump
  • Tejas Gadhia, Developer Evangelist, Zoho
  • Tribin Roy, Customer Experience Manager, Zoho Creator
REGISTER HERE Regards, Mike | Zoho Creator PS: Can’t make it? Register anyway and we'll send you the recording afterwards!
USA : +1 (888) 900 9646 | UK : +44 (20) 35647890 | Australia : +61-2-80662898 | India : +91-44-67447000 This email was sent from mike.a@zohocorp.com to abuahmad473@gmail.com Zoho Corporation | 6800 Burleson Rd | Austin | Texas | USA Not Interested? Unsubscribe