Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

What Do You Think of Our RSS Reader?

Hi muh ruli gunawan,

I would like to take this opportunity to ask for your feedback on
our RSS reader. Your valuable contributions will help me improve
the reader for everyone.

I have already added a few neat features like the option to open
your feeds in a new window with attribute control. This feature
increases the chances that your visitor will stay on your page and
not leave to go read the article on someone else's site.

By controlling the attributes in the pop-up window, you further
increase the chances that the visitor will simply close the window
after reading the article.

By choosing to make the pop-up window smaller than the window your
web page is in and also by removing the address bar from the pop-up
window ... your visitor is less likely to use that window to
continue browsing, they'll close the window and your web page will
still be there!

If there are any other ideas you might have we'd love to hear them.
Likewise we would greatly appreciate feedback on this free service,
whether you love it or hate it we'd like to know.

Please submit all feedback and testimonials here;


**Testimonials that are submitted may be displayed on our home
page, so please submit a URL or email along with them, so that we
may credit you appropriately.

For ad free RSS feeds try RSS Content Builder
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Michelle Timothy


455 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn NY USA

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