Kamis, 13 April 2023

New Usage Dashboard and Changes to Updates

tl;dr: New integrations, new usage dashboard, and webhooks & zaps will soon count as updates.

New dashboard and changes to updates

We recently shipped dozens of powerful new integrations that connect your Glide app to the business tools you use daily. Now we're excited to announce a new usage dashboard, which gives you a clear view of your monthly usage—by integration—in one convenient place. This way, you know exactly how many updates each feature is responsible for, allowing you to make more informed decisions as you build with Glide.

To see your new Usage Dashboard: log in to Glide, select your team from the left, and click "Usage BETA."

What this means for you

You are currently on a Free plan, which grants you 1,000 updates per month.

Integration usage counts as a fixed number of updates, and as of today, Webhooks, Zaps, and Send Email will soon count towards integration usage. Example: Asking the OpenAI integration to complete a prompt will count as one update. Asking it to complete a prompt in 1,000 rows will count as 1,000 updates. These updates will be instantly reflected in your new usage dashboard.

For the remainder of April, you can enjoy these new integrations without limits—essentially allowing you to go over your plan's usage limit without impacting your billing cycle.  

Starting May 1, 2023, integration usage will be counted toward your billing cycle. If you need more updates than are included in the Free plan, you will either need to upgrade or wait for updates to reset at the beginning of the month. 

We'll share more new in the coming weeks on how this will affect Starter, Pro, Business and Enterprise users.

We hope you're as excited as we are about these new integrations and the potential they bring to your apps and your business. Please log in and look at the new usage dashboard—and the dozens of new integrations added to Glide.
See your Usage Dashboard
If you have any questions, please contact our support team or visit the Glide Community.

Thank you,
The Glide Team


1 Blackfield Drive, Suite 2, #346, Tiburon, CA 94920


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