Selasa, 25 Juli 2023

The secret to impactful presentations

Let your stock photos speak for themselves.
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Show Don't (Only) Tell
Sometimes strong visuals are all you need to communicate your message. This week, we're helping you spice up presentations with just stock photos (a.k.a. the Pecha Kucha method), explaining how to accurately convey your vision to graphic designers, and showing you how high-quality stock photography can blow your Instagram presence out of the water. Take our word for it, and let your stock photos speak for themselves.
Pecha Kucha Presentations: Spice Up PowerPoint Slideshows with Stock Photos
How many dry business presentations have you sat through? Text-heavy PowerPoints can all start to blend together. Want to shake things up? Next time you're presenting, the Pecha Kucha method will make your ideas stand out. Want to learn the how (and what)? Read on!
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How to Work with Designers—When You're Not a Designer 
The value and convenience that stock images can bring to your marketing strategy is unmatched—and a graphic designer can take them to the next level. But let's face it: conveying what you need to a creative professional can be challenging if you don't speak design language. We'll show you how to communicate your ideas and get the ball rolling for success.
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Best Practices: How to Use Stock Photos for Instagram
Social media is continuously transforming how we connect, with Instagram at the center of it all when it comes to visual media. Powerful imagery, including stock photography, can tell a story, present an idea, or sell a product—when you post them the right way!
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