Selasa, 02 Januari 2024

Knock Knock 👋 We miss you at Leonardo.Ai!

Hey Mulai,

We've noticed that your inbox might be missing some Leonardo.Ai magic lately. We've been up to exciting stuff - Realtime Canvas, the brand-new Motion and Realtime Gen features, and so much more!

Your presence in our community is valued, and we're eager to continue sharing these innovations with you. If you're still keen on being at the forefront of AI advancements in 2024, this is your moment.

Click the button below to let us know you're interested in staying updated:

Realtime Canvas generation using

If you choose not to click, we understand. We'll pause sending you updates to avoid cluttering your inbox. However, we hope you decide to stay and continue this exciting journey with us!

Stay creative,

JJ • Founder & CEO

& The Leonardo Ai Team

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