Rabu, 29 Juni 2022

Why the images we use to talk about Roe v. Wade matter

Plus, a visual history of protest, and a nuanced look at childfree women
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Just another word for nothing left to lose
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Here in New York, my social feeds have caught fire with response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the law that protects the right to a safe, legal abortion in the United States. This is a professional newsletter, so I'll pose the question: How do you, as a professional creator, tackle a divisive, political, personal issue in your content? Here on the Shutterstock blog, we've been grappling with that question in a number of ways, ever since the decision leaked prematurely weeks ago. Here's where we land: We have stuck to the issues of visual representation that are core to our subject matter. The question of abortion is not a visual one, but the way we talk about it does have a visual element. So we've shared a visual history of protest movements, and a look at how we represent women who have chosen not to have children. And once the decision was announced officially, a team member with a strong point of view shared her perspective, and thoughts on how to destigmatize the topic with a careful selection of imagery. I've included those stories again here because together, they make a powerful statement. As a team, we recognize that people have a range of points of view about abortion and reproductive healthcare, and our hope is that we're able to help you put your opinions forward in the most open, caring, and yes, professional way possible.
Happy creating!
Jennifer Braunschweiger
Senior Director of Content Marketing
Why the Images We Use to Discuss Roe V. Wade Matter
We know that images make a difference, and that is especially true when communicating about an issue as political as abortion. Here, Bridget Johnston shares her perspective on how to use photography to fight the stigma and misinformation that can accompany these discussions.
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Let's Talk About Sex: Showing Consent and Safety in Visual Content
Healthy conversations about sex are not only about reproductive healthcare. Instead, they're about two people sharing what they want and need in a safe, kind way. What does consent look like? We partnered with Planned Parenthood and assembled a gallery.
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A History of American Protest, Told in Pictures
The right to congregate freely and protest is baked into Americans' understanding of themselves. What does that look like? A fascinating walk through Shutterstock's editorial archives. Speak up! Speak out! Stand up for what you belive in, whatever that may be.
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How We Show It: Childfree Women
Several women I know take enormous pleasure in their roles as aunts--and have absolutely no desire to be a mother themselves. They are childfree by choice, and at peace with that decision. What do their lives look like, and the lives of other women who are without kids? Let's show THAT.
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