Rabu, 27 Juli 2022

How to market to the super stressed; and vintage color palettes

Plus, optical illusions for your photos
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
It wasn't a rock / was a rock lobster
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Hi! Such a wonderfully random, inspiring collection of stories this week from some of our most favorite writers and taste-makers. I'm always thrilled when a creator is able to go very specific in order to connect to a larger feeling in the world--and that is definitely on display here. Our video producer Lewis McGregor wipes the sweat off his brow in the sweltering UK to share his tips for getting great sound, while one of our go-to writers, Kristina Libby, thinks about how to reach the super-stressed in these uncertain times. Sometimes creators are scared to go too deep for the risk of alienating some of their audience--and I get that--but I believe that interesting content is more likely to come from sharing the nitty gritty of our exerience in a way that makes our readers say, Yeah! Same here! Enjoy your week and...
Happy creating!
Jennifer Braunschweiger
Senior Director of Content Marketing
How to Create Optical Illusions in Your Photography
Now you see it, now you don't. Techniques for creating the illusion you're looking for.
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VIDEO: An Insider Look at the World of Production Audio for Television
More sound advice (ha! see what I did there?) for the filmmakers among us.
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How Do You Market to the Super Stressed?
Who has time to stop for an ad when they're super stressed? And who isn't super stressed these days? Which is why we're thinking about how to grab the attention of someone who does not have two seconds to spare.
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10 Vintage Decade-Inspired Color Palettes
Our data suggests that nostalgia is particularly engaging right now, and it is perhaps worthwhile to wonder why. One way of thinking suggests that the deep uncertainty we've been living with has made people yearn for times they imagine to have been simpler, friendlier, more livable. But are those recollections true? Or are they colored by the rosy lenses of memory? Either way, if your marketing would benefit from a dash of days gone by, we have palettes inspired by the decades. Grease is the word.
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